Friday, May 02, 2008

"The True Source of Liberation, Black or Otherwise"

Gagdad Bob at One Cosmos had some more observations yesterday about Obama and Wright.
This is just the same cold and dark Marxism trying to steal a little warmth and light -- or heart and mind -- from Christianity. If Obama and Wright were not such jihasbeens, they would understand the true source of liberation, black or otherwise: The "great holy war" is the struggle of man against the enemies he carries within himself, that is to say, against all those elements in him which are contrary to order and unity. Thus, the "unity candidate" is anything but. We will become the ones we've been waiting for only once we become more like the One who's been waiting for us.

1 comment:

  1. As the Bible says as a man thinkth in his heart so he is. The demons we fight are real and some of them if not most of them are the ones we unintentionally invited into our lives. The good news is we can uninvite them.
