Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Time For Creativity

School's out, so time to begin a summer of creative play. Led by our first grade graduate, Greg, the kids have built a city with lots of families and even its own junkyard.


  1. Bob, Did you read at American Thinker: "Subway -- the multi-national fast-food sub-shop giant -- has shot themselves in the foot.  Again.  The goal of their latest promotion was to win the loyalty of parents of grade school-aged kids -- to increase market share, revenue and profits.  It was supposed to be a simple exercise in business marketing and promotion." Bet you can guess which group of kids it excluded. Sheesh.

    Carry on with creative play time, with my blessings

  2. LOL! They even have a junkyard. Pretty thorough, aren't they? Do they have a mall? ;)

  3. That looks like my house! Toys piled up... except my boys toys seem to be everywhere in piles... not just one big one.

  4. Childhood and summer, they just go together.
