Saturday, May 03, 2008

Of "Mental Anorexia," "Being One's Own Breast," and "Curing Ourselves of Our Own Attempt at Self-Cure"

Once again today Gagdad Bob at One Cosmos discusses something we find very relevant. He writes about the fact that people, wanting control, close their minds, and, therefore do not benefit from the wisdom of people who could help them.

Every day we fight this battle with Linebacker Dude. It is always about control. Wandering through his second year of life without a trustworthy parent, he learned to make his own decisions about everything. He stubbornly refuses to heed parental direction, but the parent cannot allow him to delude himself into thinking that at age three he knows best. So, every day there are several confrontations. After each confrontation, the blood pressure of the parent goes way up, and awful words come out of LD's mouth. The conflict wears on the parent, whose blood pressure remains high for a long time afterword, but LD carries on happily as though nothing ever happened. Here is what Dr. Bob at One Cosmos has to say on the subject.

"But believe it or not, there are mental anorexics, people who refuse to take anything in, since they value control over truth, and want to "be their own breast." "In order to be cured, we must first cure ourselves of our own attempt at self-cure -- in other words, we must go from being a closed to an open system."

It is easy to see how LD made the decision to "be his own breast," when there was not a trustworthy adult in his life. Now, however, he has two such adults in his life, however flawed they might be. How long will it take for him to drop his "mental anorexia," and how high will our blood pressure go?


  1. Linebacker Dude is very fortunate to have you and your wife in his corner fighting for him...He may never know or understand what you have really done for him...But God knows!!!

  2. It may take years. My experience limited as it is tells me that some people take a lifetime to get it right. Our job again as I see it is to not give up since God thankfully doesn't give up on us.
