"Republicans take heart — if Barack is the nominee, your only problem will be deciding whether to focus your campaign attack ads on Obama’s questionable ties to the corrupt Tony Rezko, the racist Jeremiah Wright, the terrorist group Hamas, or the unrepentant bomber, William Ayers."
Yes, Mr. Ayers. Ayres hired Obama as Director of an effort (which failed) to reform Chicago's public schools. Ayres was co-founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. He hired Obama in 1995 and Obama continued to serve until 2003. Returning now to the No Quarters blog:
Now, let’s revisit Obama’s claim about Ayers in the ABC debate:
“Not someone I’ve accepted endorsement of, it’s not someone I exchange ideas with on a regular basis…” That is a lie. Both parts of Obama’s statement are obviously false. Obama not only evaded Stephanopoulos’s question, he was deliberately deceptive and misleading.
Ayers helped select Obama to exercise a leadership role on the Annenberg Challenge. And Obama wants us to believe they never talked? Never exchanged ideas? Never identified issues to raise and policies to pursue? What is Barack hiding?
Check out this piece on Ayers:
A man is judged by the company he keeps.
I don't think that's going to work frankly. I have friends on the fringe and don't associate with them every day but I don't throw them under the bridge either. I think that's a bad tactic. Attack his platform like Sowell. Leave the "friendship" angle alone.