Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Clintons and Obamas Agree on One Thing: Free The Terrorists!

Hillary Clinton has benefited greatly from the revelations about Barack Obama's close ties with extremists on the left. William Ayres is a teacher at the University of Illinois, whose specialty is to persuade teachers-to-be that social justice should be at the forefront of their curriculums when they go out into the world and teach our children. Ayres distinguished himself in the sixties by bombing police stations and the Pentagon as a member of the Weather Underground, and his close ties to Obama are now being documented by enterprising bloggers and journalists.

Guess what? Hillary's husband in his final days as President pardoned one of the most notorious members of the Weather Underground, Susan Rosenberg. In her book about the Clintons' Final Days in the White House, Barbara Olson wrote
Susan Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground, one of the most violent of the left-wing militias that disrupted the nation from the 1960s through the 1980s. The Weather Underground was part of an interlocking directorate that included the May 19th Communist Organization (May 19 is the birthday of both Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X), the Black Liberation Army, the Red Guerrilla Resistance, and others, together known as “The Family.”

Rosenberg was born on Manhattan’s upper west side. Emanuel Rosenberg, her dentist father, was sufficiently wealthy to send her to the Walden School and Barnard College. After college she worked in a drug counseling program run by the Black Panthers and the Young Lords, a Puerto Rican revolutionary gang. (Note the coincidence, not only with young Hillary’s work for the Black Panthers and similar groups, but her education at exclusive enclaves like Wellesley and Yale.) Rosenberg received further political education as a member of a youth work brigade in Cuba but did most of her serious political work stateside, where The Family launched a string of robberies and bombings in Bonnie-and-Clyde style.

“I rob banks with black people,” said Rosenberg, alias “Elizabeth” and “Barbara Grodin.”

In October of 1981, Rosenberg’s gang held up a Brink’s truck in Nanuet, New York, killing guard Peter Paige and two police officers, Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown, the first black officer on the local force. Rosenberg drove the getaway car and managed to escape.

Via Sweetness and Light

1 comment:

  1. I am part of what is called the baby boom generation. But I have never understood the tolerance shown for what amounts to homegrown terrorism, do you?
