Conservative talk radio is often quite brilliant. In addition to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Billy Cunningham, Bill O'Reilly and others that have national programs, here in Colorado there are some excellent local programs, as I am sure there are where you live. I admire the ability these people have to articulate issues and fight the good fight. Of course, there are also so many brilliant conservative writers, whom I often link to on this blog.
Wouldn't it be fantastic if any two of them decided to run for the presidency and vice presidency on the same ticket? I know they would all be taking huge pay cuts, but it would be nice to have candidates who could explain and articulate principles in a way that would persuade many voters to vote for liberty, justice, free market capitalism, and protection of the people from enemies within and without.
Yes, indeed, Bob. Like Middle Tennessee's Steve Gill....he's the real thing and very articulate to boot. Sure there are many others