Friday, April 25, 2008

"crisscrossing the nation in chariots hitched to teams of flying unicorns"

Oil. It has become a very dirty word in this year's election campaigns. All three of the presidential candidates are demonizing anybody connected with producing this evil commodity. David Harsanyi observes here
We've all heard the relentless demagoguery from every major presidential candidate regarding oil and so-called "energy independence."

Not only are presidential candidates promoting dangerous fallacies about energy but, last I checked, they weren't crisscrossing the nation in chariots hitched to teams of flying unicorns.

Nevertheless, the left continues to villainize anyone connected with the oil industry. Five national political action groups are targeting the 2008 Colorado senatorial race, favoring Democrat Mark Udall over Republican Bob Schaffer. Attack ads are already airing, portraying former congressman Bob Schaffer as "Big Oil Bob."

Geckofeeder recently reprinted this Dennis Prager piece from Prager explains that for those on the political left, there is a primacy placed on
environmental concerns over moral concerns. For example, the left seemed never to care about the millions of Africans who continued to die from malaria largely because of the environmentalists' worldwide ban on the use of DDT as pesticide. The same holds true for another leftwing environmentalist fantasy. Changing corn into biofuels is causing a surge in food prices throughout the world. The European Union continues this policy despite warnings even from some environmentalists that food shortages, starvation and food riots are imminent. But human suffering is not as significant as environmental degradation.

The left has opted out of the war against Islamic terrorists. As Prager says,
Today, conservatives fight evil and liberals fight carbon emissions.


  1. I gotta remember that quote. I love it.

  2. Consider the jackass > > eyes specialized only for the terrain under their feet.

  3. Just depressing isn't it? The hypocrisy stuns me.
