A Colorado blogger, Face the State, has scooped both Denver papers once again. The Denver Post has published several articles attempting to imply that there was a connection between jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former Congressman Bob Schaffer, who is now running for the U.S. Senate against Congressman Mark Udall. Schaffer says he has never met Abramoff. Nevertheless, lefty bloggers have been gleefully hoping that the Post stories would mean the death of Schaffer's campaign.
Schaffer and his wife took an all expense trip to the Mariana Islands. The Mariana Islands are apparently famous for having lots of textile factories, where mostly women from Bangladesh, the Phillipines and China produce "Made In The USA" clothing. Abramoff lobbyed on behalf of the textile factories.
So far, no evidence has surfaced that ties Schaffer to Abramoff financially. However, Face the State has produced evidence that Udall has twice received money from Abramoff's lobbying firms. Now that those monies have been exposed, Udall says he plans to donate the money to "a Saipan-based nonprofit organization that helps victims of human trafficking." The trouble is, Udall received the money from the Abramoff firms in 2000 and 2002. Now that a blogger has exposed this fact about Udall's financial ties to the jailed lobbyist, Udall suddenly wants to donate the money? This story appears now to be backfiring a bit on Udall and his lefty supporters.
And then the media wonders why the electorate are so cynical. Couldn't possibly be this kind of stuff now could it? Trouble is, it tars ALL congressmen, but then again if the shoe fits...