Monday, March 10, 2008

Where Can We Find God?

A person whom I love, my pastor, posted this video of Bono receiving an award from the NAACP. I posted my reaction in the comments section of my pastor's blog. Then, since I have been so infrequent in my blog posts here, I decided to copy my comments and post them here. They follow.

I wish he or someone would have had the courage to say that George W. Bush has done more to fund the fight against AIDS in Africa than all other American presidents combined, including the farcical "first black president," Bill Clinton. That would have been the truth, which no one had the courage to speak to the NAACP members, who would have booed the person off the stage, if anyone would have the courage to speak the truth.

I also wish that someone would have had the courage to point out that the environmental whackos of the left stopped the use of DDT, which is the cause for the emergence of malaria that is killing so many African children.

One more thing: Julian Bond is not cool. He is a hater, in the same vein as Harry Belafonte and Louis Farrakhan. One more thing: You want to help the poor? Tell them the truth: they must take personal responsibility for their choices in life. They must be the ones who decide to make good choices, just like people who are not poor. It is stupid to glorify the poor, and say that is where God hangs out. God hangs out with people who believe and follow Jesus Christ. His followers are everywhere on this planet; people who seek His Kingdom wherever it is they live and work; people who would not hesitate to get on their knees and wash the feet of the Lord Jesus and any of His followers; people who would not hesitate to take care of the children who are the true victims of drug-abusing parents who are glorified as "victim groups" the left is going to save by voting for the socialist populists. That's my humble opinion.

UPDATE: My pastor has deleted my comments from his blog.

Posted by: Bob Agard | March 10, 2008 at 07:15 PM


  1. Bravo! Well said.

  2. Could be my own words. You nailed it, Bob. I echo Mred: Well said!!!!

  3. mred and terri,
    Thank you so much for your kind words. Having a baby in my arms causes me to post less, but maybe with more quality and more passion.

  4. I also wish that someone would have had the courage to point out that the environmental whackos of the left stopped the use of DDT, which is the cause for the emergence of malaria that is killing so many African children.

    Mosquitoes in Africa carry genes that make them immune to DDT. Spraying DDT beyond current limits -- Indoor Residual Spraying, or IRS -- would be amazingly destructive, killing fish and other animals, and especially the predators of mosquitoes.

    Bednets are cheaper, and more effective, much longer, than spraying.

    George Bush, by the way, has stood in the way of distribution of free bed nets. His administration argued that Africans would not "appreciate" the nets enough unless they had to pay for them, and so nets were not distributed for six years of the Bush presidency. Pilot programs under the Gates Foundation aegis have demonstrated that even free nets work.

    Also, the Bush administration inexplicably refused to allow U.S. aid money to be used to spray huts for mosquitoes, until after 2004. Environmental groups, like Environmental Defense, tried for years to get Bush to use DDT in very limited, safe IRS programs. Bush refused, for reasons that are at best fuzzy.

    Fighting malaria is a big effort, with many fronts. There is no magic bullet against the disease.

    And kicking at people who have been fighting the problems for years doesn't seem very charitable, to me.

    Bush deserves credit for providing some help to Africa on these issues. Why he has blocked spending the money Congress allocated for AIDS and malaria, money that Bush had asked for, will remain a mystery forever, probably. Just more incompetence from the administration -- even when they get the issues right, they bungle the delivery.

  5. Ed, not to start a fight on someone else's turf, but rather than blaming everything on the President personally, let's keep in mind that the State Dept has given ample evidence that they are working against the Bush administration. I think it's quite possible that distribution of aid gets bungled on purpose. Foggy Bottom is called that for a reason, and even if there isn't malicious intent on the part of the uncivil service employees at State, they are still bureaucrats who live and die by inertia.

    Then again, since Bush = Hitler, he probably does want African children to die horribly.


  6. Good post, Bob. As to the update, I think you need to get a new pastor.....

  7. Extremely well said, I couldn't agree more!! And to be honest, I can't believe your Pastor deleted your comments, wow!!!
