Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Stories Are Getting Juicier

The Denver Post is finally catching on. Besides the obvious big story about the Democrat Governor of New York who got a bargain basement price from a compassionate hooker, (tomorrow the big story will be about Jeremiah Wright, Obama's sweetheart of a pastor), the Post has the following three stories today.

"Woman throws 2 sons, herself off freeway overpass." (During rush hour in Dallas) (Texans know how to drive: all three survived).

"Woman on toilet two years."
The toilet was in her Kansas boyfriend's house. He brought her food and water every day, and every day asked her when she was going to get off the toilet. Each time she answered "maybe tomorrow." The sheriff's deputies pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar, and the seat accompanied the woman to the hospital.

Last, but not least, there was this story: "800 small dogs seized from home." This story came to us from Tucson, Arizona. Oh, and there were also 82 caged parrots living there in the triple-wide mobile home.

Maybe the Post will survive after all.


  1. I can never decide if there were kooks all along and we just didn't know about it, or there really are seriously kooky people in the world today.

  2. There have always been kooks, Terri!

    Yep, the Post is going strong, Bob. LOL! I heard about the woman stuck on the toilet seat because it was on the national news, but not about those other two stories. Can you imagine living with 800 dogs and 82 caged parrots in a house trailer! Those people aren't just crazy, their brain-dead!

    I'm from Texas. I'm amazed that woman and her children weren't killed insantly. Almost all Texans speed and follow bumper-to-bumper. They must have had guardian angels protecting them!

  3. the rescue mission and the following telethon for the tucson thing was incredible. the people who ran that place ought to be shot. i've been recovering, so i dont catch the news a lot, but they mention it a lot around here.

  4. meilandru,
    We are thinking of you, and hoping for your recovery to go well.
