Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More From Barack's Pastor

Barack Obama's pastor now is insulting Italians. Newsmax Magazine quotes him as saying that "the Italians looked down their garlic noses at the Gallileans and did an Italian style lynching of Jesus." Jeremiah Wright is to Barack what Bill is to Hillary.


  1. I'm afraid this will "pass too." And so many voting in November so far from now will forget this stuff. Because the truth is it's not that uncommon for certains people of minority (any one just pick one) to say such outlandish things and no one really just says "shut up."

  2. Oh, we Italians always get the short end of the stick. Heck, I guess we need to apologize for *all* being mob-running, philandering, war-mongering organ grinders that (apparently) reek of too much garlic.

    Someone might want to remind the reverend that my ancestors (that would be the Romans) gave us the modern world as we know it & were a beacon of hope in the world before our great nation was founded.
