Friday, February 15, 2008

Wake Up Time

Forty states now have concealed carry laws. However, I don't think many of them allow concealed carry on the grounds of schools and universities. Isn't it about time? We let eighteen-year-olds fight our wars, but not protect themselves while they are on college campuses. How much sense does that make?

Our federal and state governments just do not have any confidence in the people they are supposed to be serving. They are run by liberals, whose ideas have been proven faulty over and over again. It is wake up time in America. We need to take back control of our governments from the misguided liberals.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how the massacres occur where guns are strictly regulated, huh. Guns kill, doncha know, so places with lots of them - like gun shows - should be killing fields. Oh wait.....
