Tuesday, February 26, 2008

She's Honored

2008-02-26) — Sen. Hillary Clinton, continuing to “take the high road” as she did at the end of the last presidential debate, said again today that she is “honored” to be running against Sen. Barack Obama.

“I’m honored to ridicule him for his empty rhetoric,” said Sen. Clinton. “I’m honored to point out that his universal health care plan is doomed to fail because it won’t mandate universal participation like mine will. It’s a distinct honor to tell Americans that he doesn’t have a clue when it comes to foreign policy, and to deride his naive notion that he can negotiate with the president of Iran.”

The Senator from New York added that it’s a great privilege to allow her subordinates to sling mud at a man like Sen. Obama while she maintains plausible deniability.

“There are so many moments during the campaign when I have felt honored,” she said. “Each time the media and the bloggers write about that photo of Barack in traditional African garb, or they mention that his middle name is ‘Hussein’, or repeat the false rumors that he’s Muslim, or they dote on the worries that he might be assassinated because he’s black. I’m humbled to be participating in this great Democratic tradition at this historic moment.”

Sen. Clinton said the greatest honor still lies before her.

“When I finally receive that phone call from Sen. Obama, and all that soaring rhetoric falls away, as he mumbles his congratulations,” she said, “what an honor it will be to realize that my life’s work as a champion of civil rights will be crowned, figuratively speaking, with the carcass of the greatest black presidential candidate America has ever seen.”

Via Scrappleface


  1. Empty words are the hallmark of a Clinton.

  2. The funny part of this is I can actually see her thinking this even if she isn't actually saying it.
