Friday, February 08, 2008

Putting Country and Party Ahead of Personal Ambition

Mitt Romney did not build his fortune by throwing good money after bad. He has chosen to stop throwing away his dough on a losing cause.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is in even worse shape financially, with even her top advisors now working for free (or, as "interns," as Rush puts it). Will she match Romney's grace, and put country and party ahead of personal ambition?


  1. First off...I doubt that very highly...the Clintons only think about the Clintons... the long run, and this pains me gravely to say this...we DEFINATELY DO NOT WANT OBAMA in office.

    Hillary is the lesser of two evils....

  2. Nope. If Hillary had any sense or was half as smart as they say she is, she would have stayed the senator from NY forever and had far more power for far longer. She's blind with ambition but then so is Obama and McCain. Personally, I'm bummed. I liked Romney.
