Monday, February 04, 2008

It Worked in New Hampshire

Just as she did on the eve of her surprise win in New Hampshire, Hillary teared up again in Connecticut, on the eve of tomorrow's Super Tuesday voting. Mary Katharine Ham writes in
She might as well have been wearing a neon sign over her head saying "Women voters, look here for empathy and new, improved, life-like feelings!" I say the tears are just like a talking point; she keeps repeating them for newcomers to the race.

Update: Here's Ed Morrisey in Captain's Quarters today:
Just as with her claims to extensive public service rather than private sector work, the record of her emotional outbursts suggest contrivance far more than spontaneity. Hillary is building a reputation for disingenuity that has begun to rival her husband.

1 comment:

  1. As a woman I find this tendency of hers troubling to say the least. Do we really want this type of person for president?
