Sunday, February 17, 2008

Interesting Timing of Allegations

Want to know how to get over a quarter of a million people to view your You Tube video? How about over 5000 comments? Minnesotan Larry Sinclair alleges that he and Senator Obama did cocaine together in 1999 and that Mr. Sinclair performed oral sex on Obama in the back of Mr. Sinclair's limo and in Mr. Sinclair's motel room in Gurney, Illinois at that same time as they did the cocaine.

Do you find it interesting that these allegations are being made public now, after Senator Obama has won how many consecutive states? Ten? The Clintons would not have had anything to do with these allegations being made public at this time, would they?

Via The Educated Shoprat


  1. There's only this thought that keeps running through my head: if he wanted to be president since kindergarden wouldn't he have avoided such things? The absurdity of this election never fails to astound me.

  2. The Clintons are going to dredge up every dirty thing they can to stop the Obama Phenomena. This isn't surprising. Neither is it surprising Obama did what he did. I'll bet there is even worse stuff out their if they dig far enough. Problem is, his people can dredge up a lot on the Clintons too. They'd better watch out. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

  3. Bob, You have been your blog and read it daily.

  4. Thanks for the link and I think it's got Hillary all over it.
