Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The First Time

Here is Michelle Obama's comment that is raising a lot of eyebrows:
And let me tell you something -- for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.

Cassie Fiano writes in Wizbang:
Michelle Obama was born on January 17, 1964, making her 44 years old. She's legally been an adult for 26 years, and in 26 years there hasn't been one single event to make her feel proud to be an American? There hasn't been anything to make her proud of the strongest, freest, most generous and democratic country in the entire world? Not one single thing? We've made mistakes, to be sure, but the United States is a country to be proud of -- a country that most Americans love and cherish, are proud to call home, and see as worth fighting for. And of course, Dems like Teresa Heinz Michelle Obama don't see any of that. Without their magnificent selves to lead us, this country is nothing but a jungle full of backwards, stupid hicks desperate for someone to take care of us and tell us what to do, what is right or wrong.

One of the things that stood out most to me was the overwhelming egotism of that statement. Her husband is finally doing well, and now she's finally proud of her country. God forbid Barack Obama never launched a political career, because obviously had he not she would've spent her entire life hating America! But then again, she'd feel right at home in the Democratic party.

But remember, we're never, ever supposed to question their patriotism.

Update: Cindy McCain responded today:
I always have been and will always be extremely proud of my country.

Via Election Geek


  1. For the second time in my life I would be ashamed of our nations First Lady. (Jimmy Carter's wife was a decent sort in spite of her husband - - at least while he was in office.)

  2. I agree with shoprat. I would be ashemed of American's first lady, a women who has been ashamed of this country for the past 25-35 years. What a disgrace.

  3. I hope she merely misspoke but if not it's a sad commentary on her and those who would support her, not US.

  4. I always felt that Cindy was the best thing McCain had going for him. She's awesome and would make an awesome first lady.
