Friday, February 01, 2008

Documenting "Incidents"

One of the things Colleen and I are talking to each other a lot about is the differences between boys and girls, and our reactions as parents to those differences. Colleen tells me that females want security and protection. I tell Colleen that males want independence and acceptance.

It is hard for a female parent to accept a male child who is being aggressive and independent. It is hard for a male parent to protect a female child who is being a manipulative drama queen. I have started to document each "incident" that occurs during the day. What did each child involved in the incident do? How was the "incident" resolved? What did the parent do?

I hope this documentation enriches our conversations on the subject. Although I just started writing about it today, at this rate, I will soon have enough documentation to fill a book. I don't know who would want to read it, though.

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