Thursday, January 17, 2008


Not a week goes by without Bill Clinton saying something idiotic. This time it is this remark:
In this case the establishment organization is with him and the insurgents are with her," Clinton said in his speech. He then asked for a show of hands from about 50 precinct captains in the audience and challenged them to stand up to the union's leadership.

Insurgents? Does it not occur to him that "insurgents" is the word the press uses to describe the people who are killing our soldiers and innocent civilians in Iraq? Does he really want to romanticize that word and apply it to those who are supporting Hillary Clinton? I guess he does. The man has no class. As I have said before, every time this jackass opens his mouth, Hillary drops five more percentage points in the polls.

And, what about the Clintons love affair with unions? Now he is for the individual worker, and not the unions? The Clintons are upset that the culinary union in Nevada is urging workers to support Obama.

Via Tammy Bruce


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really want Hillary to win the Democrat nomination because I seriously doubt she would win. Right now the Republicans are busy fighting with each other, but once the candidates are chosen, the parties will turn their attention to attacking each other, and Bill Clinton is just a virtual goldmine of dirty laundry. Hillary too, I guess. I just have to believe that people will never vote for "them" again once they're reminded of how bad they really were. I'm afraid Obama really would win just because of the novelty of having a "black" president (half white, raised in Hawaii, Ivy League, not exactly from the 'hood, but whatever), and the ridiculous knee-jerk anti-Bush sentiment.

    Lately I'm beginning to wish McCain well. Not because I like him that much (I actually like Ron Paul in some respects), but I'm starting to think mcCain is the only Republican front runner that could actually get elected. A true conservative would never win, the country's just too divided. And I'll take McCain over any Democrat.
