Sunday, January 20, 2008

Falling On Your Own Petard

Kyle-Anne Shiver has written a piece in The American Thinker about the fact that both Obama and Hillary are steeped in the concepts of socialist organizer Saul Alinsky. As a second-year student at the University of Kansas Graduate School of Social Work, I met Mr. Alinsky and actually spent a day and evening with him. He wrote his famous book, "Rules for Radicals" while in the Kansas City jail.

One of Alinsky's tactics was to make someone an enemy, then make that person live up to his own rules. Obama has been stressing an inclusive America, yet as he has come to prominance, he has affiliated himself with people like his pastor, Rev. Wright, Mr. Farrakhan, and Mr. Soros, all of whom are anti-Semite and America-haters. Hillary is playing the victim, patiently waiting for Obama to fall on his own petard, which is the Alinsky concept. So far, Obama has stayed on the high ground, above the fray. But the Clintons know the Alinsky concepts inside and out. They will goad him until they finally get a heated reaction from him, which will be in contradiction to the lofty concepts he has been promulgating as his goals for America.

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