Iowahawk has decided to do some research. He has found that it is not military vets that are causing the problem. It is media vets! He has compiled a lengthy list of actual crimes journalistic vets have been arrested for. They include murder, child molestation, stalking, domestic violence, striking a police officer, property crimes, theft, and bank robbery.
What shall we do about this? Iowahawk quotes "media observer" Jim Treacher:
Long-time media observer Treacher sounds a similar alarm bell.
"Unless we do something quickly, America's editorial offices and news studios will become potential killing fields," says Treacher. "It's not enough that we treat media veterans with revulsion and contempt. They also deserve our pity."
Among the programs Treacher suggests are intensive anger management, drugs, psychotherapy, lobotomization, and "an anti-retard patch of some sort."
Treacher believes there is a strong correlation between journalism and sociopathy, but he has his own theory.
"Actually, I think the effect is in the opposite direction," explains Treacher. "Journalism doesn't always cause stupid, but stupid sure causes journalism."
Despite of the ever-growing and bloody toll of victims of media-related crimes, some observers counsel against jumping to conclusions. Among the defenders is University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds.
"I think it's unfair to single out journalists as thieves, or violent, or drunks, or child abusers," says Reynolds. "Sometimes they're all of the above." He cites the case of Kevin Lee Pettiford, a Knoxville journalist charged with abducting and threatening to kill three minor girls during a drunken high speed chase to an attempted bank robbery.
With the current media industry economic quagmire, more and more of these people are being turned out in streets, with no discernible skills, especially rudimentary math," says Owens. "The only thing they know how to do is make stuff up, and they really can't even do that very well. It's like a big incompetent powder keg ready to go off."
This is brilliant, well-deserved satire. Hats off to Iowahawk!
Heh. When Dave gets away from his hot rods and gets political, you can count on it being good!
ReplyDeleteActually, it is the blogs and bloggers that cause stupid. All charges against Pettiford were dropped when the child admitted to a lie. The prosecutor wouldn't allow her to testify due to her "unreliablity". The chid that testified told the truth a and Pettiford was out of jail within a few days. Blogging is the Fox News of the internet. make up facts see if they stick and ruin lifes in the process. The problem is bloggers are not journalists. They are nobodys with a national voice misused to spread their caustic excrement to anyone who believes the moon landing was fake and Oswald didn't kill Kennedy. Look at any profession start with lawyers and work yor way down to losers who blog all day. You will find a significant number of criminals in every profession. WE tell criminals to rehabilitate and when they do we say no work for you here. Well at least we can identify the criminals. They aren't hiding behind a computer in their basement or mom's house pretending to be that which they are not--decent americans. So all you self-righteous self appointed spokesmen for the good people of american can blow yourself. I'll believe a crook over a dick anytime.