So far it looks to me as though Hillary is getting the best of Barack. By making him seem to be the unethical lawyer for the slumlord, she makes it look like his actons are contradicting the words of his lofty speeches. I wrote about the tactics I thought she would be using in the campaign in a post earlier this month called Falling On Their Own Petard.
Today Rush Limbaugh pointed out that he believes the Clintons understand the reality that Obama will win South Carolina and other southern states because of the black vote. Rush points out that Obama has more popularity among blacks than do elected black officials, the old line people who came to power after the civil rights movement. Rush noted that these officials are beholden to the Clinton machine, and Rush referred to them not as Uncle Toms, but as Uncle Bills.
Rush noted that Hispanics (64% of the Nevada vote) and older women are giving Hillary her votes, while blacks and young people are going for Obama. What will happen, Rush wonders, if Hillary is elected and chooses an Hispanic, such as Bill Richardson, as her running mate? Blacks will still vote mostly for Democrat candidates, but maybe by not such a huge margin as in past elections. If, on the other hand, Hillary selects Obama as her running mate, Hispanics will be unhappy. Rush suggested that Hillary will ultimately decide to appoint herself as vice president. That way, if she falls ill, she can just appoint herself to take over.
If Rush Limbaugh is not the funniest, most brilliant (and humble) political analyst in America, then I don't know who is! He pointed out that the Democrats are divided over race, and that there is not a dime's worth of difference among their top three candidates on philosophy. He is going to analyze the Republicans later today, but he previewed it by saying that the Republicans are divided over philosophy, not race.
It seems to me that a Hillary/Obama ticket (either one as the other's VP) would be the best of both worlds (or the worst, depending on your perspective). I think they would have a good chance of winning together. But fortunately they seem to be scratching each others' eyes out and wouldn't be able to play nice long enough to become running mates.