Monday, December 03, 2007

Rush and Bill On The Same Page Today

I caught pieces of both Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly on their radio shows today. Both men, regardless of whether you agree with them, are veteran observers of the American political scene. What I found fascinating is that both men said exactly the same thing about the media's current buzz about the Huckabee candidacy.

Here is what both men said. They both believe that the media is holding up Huckabee in hopes that he might become the Republican nominee. If he wins the nomination, they will then turn on him to make sure the Democrat wins. I thought it was very interesting that both men would say the exact same thing about the media on the same day.

O'Reilly believes that Giuliani is the strongest candidate for the Republicans, in terms of competing in the general election, but he also believes Romney, Thompson, and Mc Cain could be formidable candidates. He does not believe Huckabee would be competitve in the general election. Rush believes Thompson is the most conservative candidate among the front runners, which I take to mean that Thompson is the one Rush hopes is the candidate, although he did not say that.

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