Thursday, December 06, 2007

Priorities, and Bias

Mitt Romney gave his speech on religious faith today, and, while he was doing so, CNN obnoxiously filled the left side of the t.v. screen with controversial facts about the Mormon Church. No bias there!

Romney is a good guy. The Mormons are good Republicans, and many are great family people. We need to keep our eye on the ball, which is to make sure the likes of Billary, Edwards, and Obama do not win the White House.

Once again, Ace of Spades says it far better than anyone else I have seen:
Were you listening to Romney or reading the dirt CNN was putting up on the left side of the screen?

I know which I was doing.

There's nothing wrong with noting the controversies surrounding the Church of LDS. But I don't seem to remember CNN running a similar graphic while Joe Lieberman was speaking during his 2000 VP run noting, for example, "The Jews rejected Christ." This is a true fact about Judaism, of course, a helpful little reminder about the differences between Judaism and Christianity, and yet CNN really didn't feel the need to inform Christians of their doctrinal differences with Lieberman's faith.

Nor do I recall CNN adding helpful graphics when Muslim Keith Ellison was running for Congress, noting, say, "Islam teaches that Christians are infidels and hell-bound."

To run this during Romney's speech shows bias. No one's going to listen to a wholesome call for religious tolerance when there's scandal and skullduggery being flashed at the same time.

Governor Romney's speech can be viewed here.

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