Saturday, December 08, 2007

"Deny Oxygen To This Terrible Fire".

Mona Charen, writing in the National Review Online, suggests that it is time for the media to quit giving mall killers what they so desperately want: fame. She suggests that killers' names, pictures, coats, etc. be deleted from stories about their massacres. Fame does seem to be the one thing they all want more tnan anything. Fellow deranged fools seem to notice the publicity. What do you think?


  1. I don't know if that can be done, but if they want fame and attention, give it to them.

    If they are alive let them face the families of their victims, and the families have one rule: no firearms or edged weapons. And put it on TV.

  2. shoprat,
    I think you've got a pretty good idea.

  3. Grand idea shoprat.

  4. The night of the Omaha shootings, there was someone sitting in for Glenn Beck -- he talked about the shootings, but refused to name the shooter.

    Said the same thing as you do, in your post -- since the guy did it to make a name for himself, everyone ought to deny him what he was after.

    If we made a practice of this, the practice would die out in very short order.
