Saturday, December 22, 2007

Competition and Choice Versus Governmental Bureaucracy Making Our Choices For Us

A few minutes ago one of the guys from the local fire department dropped by. I showed him the before and after photos that our cardiologist gave us after the surgery. He told me the reason why they took me to the hospital that is 45 minutes away, instead of the one that is 25 minutes. The one that is further away has a cardiac catheterization unit that is fully staffed all day long every day (they do six of these per day)! The other hospital has to call in staff and doctors. The American system of competition worked again!

Do we want to continue to have a system like that, or do we want the health care providers to be strangled in bureaucratic governmental red tape? I know which system saved my life, and I will vote accordingly. I can just see it now: "You must take the patient to the hospital nearest to the patient's home, or you will lose your federal funding for the next 90 days."

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