Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are We Wimps?

Is the word "Christian" synonymous with "wimps"? I hope not! Are there people in your life who are a threat to the safety of yourself and/or other loved ones? Then don't just pray for that person or persons; do something about it. If they are mentally ill, and refuse to follow though with psychiatric recommendations, get them committed to a mental hospital!

I know that is easier said than done. When I worked as a child protection caseworker, I saw judges commit people to a 72 hour mental health hold, and, as soon as the 72 hours was up, the person was right back in the community, not following medical recommendations! I saw that time and again. Don't give up! Persist until the person gets the help they need.

If the problem is more behavioral than mental illness, then make sure the person gets the tough love program they need. The Christian group Youth With A Mission was receiving hate mail from the killer. Did they call police? No! They probably prayed for the guy. Go ahead and pray, but also contact authorities!

A couple of days ago Colleen was standing in line at the post office (aren't we all?). The clerk was very friendly and helpful to everyone. Some woman comes in and, from the back of the line, starts shouting at the clerk, because her mail was not being delivered to the right place! Colleen turned to the woman and said,"For Pete's sake, this woman doesn't have anything to do with delivering your mail." The woman then angrily demanded to talk to the postmaster. The clerk told her the postmaster was not in.

The woman accused the clerk of lieing. Colleen said, "Lady, she is not lieing to you. She does not lie. My son lies on his science fair project, but this lady is not lieing!" The woman in line in front of Colleen burst into laughter. Turns out she is a science teacher!

The angry woman just kept spewing her hatred, until a man escorted her out of the door. When Colleen got home she called the police, and urged them to go interview the clerk, who knows the name of the angry woman. If the police then pay the woman a visit, maybe she will think twice about creating such a mad scene again. Or, if she has no consequence for her uncivilizwed behavior, maybe she will come in firing a gun next time. You just never know. The point is, Christians cannot be content just to pray, and then wimp out.


  1. I think Jesus said

    "BE AS WISE AS SERPENTS and as innocent as doves."

    Someone forgot half of that command.

  2. shoprat,
    yes, and what about courage?

  3. jungle mom,
    Yes, she is a stand up woman from A to Z!

  4. Faith without action is worthless!

  5. mrs. who,
    Unless you like mush!
