Saturday, November 24, 2007

"There's Gold In Them Thar Hills!"

Be sure to click on the picture to get a better view of the mountains.


  1. Worth waiting for, Bob! So good to see!

    Completely conveys the time and temperature of year. I assume you're south of I-70, but still out from Denver "a ways."

  2. webutante,
    I had you in mind when I ran back to the house to get my camera. Glad you stopped by. Your assumption is correct.

  3. Bob, my sister who now lives in Crested Butte, is leaving in the morning and driving from Nashville to Colorado over the next few days.....I'm tempted to crawl in her back seat and hide. Since I'm here for now, I relish each and every photo you post of the beautiful Colorado landscape. Thank you!

  4. I hope and am sure she has good snow tires. It is in the forecast. I am glad you look forward to the photos. It gives me incentive to get out of the warm house! I bought a pair of top-of-the-calf boots yesterday at WalMart, so I am ready!
