Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Religion of Peace

"In the mind-numbing aftermath of 9/11, who would have guessed that within just a few years American politicians would be campaigning on promises to ensure the comfort of incarcerated terrorists... that Hollywood writers would be generating reams of scripts replete with noble Muslim characters persecuted by fictitious American bigots... that footbaths would be making their way into airports and public universities... or that Muslim travelers would be chasing lawsuit dollars by scaring the hell out of fellow airline passengers with deliberately provocative behavior?"

So begins a post at the Religion of Peace blog, which keeps track of the number of people killed by jihadists. This week the death toll since 9-11 reached ten thousand human lives lost to the religion of peace.

1 comment:

  1. 10,000 jihad attacks since 9/11 - a grim milestone.
