Sunday, November 11, 2007

Let Us Not Forget

This Veterans Day we have many fine people to honor. The people currently serving in our military are truly our best and brightest.

My dad was not one of the people who fought World War II. He was a principal, coach and teacher in a small town in Iowa, and was stricken with Rheumatic Fever. They had to hire three people to replace him. My uncle was a tail gunner in WWII. Dad was so kind and helpful to his brother when he returned. Dad helped set him up in business as a restaurant owner.

ROTC in college was as close as I came to serving in the military. I was also classified 4F. Anyway, the world was calling me to save it as a social worker!


  1. As far as I'm concerned, y'all are fighting in a different kind of war, with some very important rewards. Keep up the good work!

  2. jeffro,
    Wow! Thank you for your very kind and encouraging words!
