Monday, October 08, 2007

A Story About Birth

Tonight six-year-old Greg decided to tell me about his birth. First, someone laid down a big blanket. Then, someone poured gasoline on the blanket. Then someone poured water on the gasoline. Then, sll the bones of the dead people were scattered on the blanket.Some of these bones had special powers, which breathed life into Greg, and he arose from the blanket of bones.

Is there any hope for this kid?


  1. Wow, he has a great future in sci-fi writing though!

    Did you accidentally leave me a comment intended for someone else?
    "Unsanitary, gross but funny" ... sounds more like the Moose's grandson sticking his hand nearly down Gramp's throat than my latest installment on the Cat D8R. Just wondering.

  2. As Roseanne Roseanna Danna would say ... "Neh-ver mind!" Blogger didn't bother to tell me that your comment was in reference to the chimp smoochy video, not the bull dozer story. It all makes SO much more sense now.

  3. I grew up in the sixties, where even the characters on TV had twin beds. I had NO clue about sex and babies until my parents gave me this little book, when I was about 11 or 12, that explained your "changing body" and normal girl stuff, and gasp, the basic mechanics of how babies are made.

    I was horrified.

    Then I settled down. Thank GOD I was adopted and my parents never had to do that.

    I told my Dad that story long after we were all grown and married and he about busted a gut laughing.

  4. A friend of mine--a single mother--sat her 10 year old son down and told him the facts of life. She said as she talked, his eyes got bigger and bigger and at some point his mouth hung open. Finally, when she was done, she asked him if he had any questions.

    He was quiet for a moment, then said, "You did that with Dad?"

    "Yes," she replied.

    "I'm gonna tell Grandma on you!"

    She leaned in close. "How do you think Grandma and Grandpa had me?"

    Boy didn't say anything for the rest of the evening.

  5. Like Lin said... he has a great future in sci-fi! :o)

  6. Wow... Seriously.

    The motion carries as far as him having a future in sci-fi writing...

    I think he'd get along great with my seven year old... He was asking me to take pictures of ghosts he was seeing at the age of four.

  7. lin,
    I like your blog, and thank you for visiting over here!

    Funny! You were obviously a miracle child, just like the one Greg describes!

    How devastating!

    lemon stand,
    Yes, if he doesn't get his imagination knocked out of him by the realities of this cruel world.

    Can we see the pictures?
