Thursday, August 23, 2007

Republican Party Picnic

The flyer said it would be a picnic. Potato sack races, horseshoes, hamburgers and hot dogs, at the county fair building. So we loaded the kids in the van and headed for a fun time! It was a beautiful day, but no one was outside, which should have been our first clue. But, we happily jumped out of the van, walked across the parking lot that was filled with vehicles, and looked inside. It looked like a nursing home gathering. No kids, no families, no potato sack races, because they were afraid of falling and breaking a hip. The speaker, probably a county commissioner, was telling the crowd how things were going great for him since he got into this job. I glanced at my wife, and as soon as our eyes met, we knew what we must do. Simultaneously, we both wheeled around and headed for the exit, which was the same door in which we entered. If this is typical of the heartbeat of the Republican Party, the activists who make the party hum, things don't look real good for the G.O.P., unless Ike is running again.

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