Friday, August 03, 2007

Creative, Inventive, Manipulative, and Retarded?

An illegal immigrant from Mexico is being arraigned today on charges of murder. His name is Jose Luis Rubi-Nava. Mr. Rubi-Nava lived here in Colorado with a friend named Maria Franco-Fierros. Before murdering Ms. Franco-Fierros, Mr. Rubi-Nava beat her, as he had on numerous other occasions. This time, however, he was not satisfied just to beat her. He tied a strap to the bumper of his truck, and then fastened the other end around the neck of his friend, then sped away, leaving a mile long track of Franco-Fierros' mutilated body behind him on the road.

Mr. Rubi-Nava's public defender (that's right, this illegal immigrant murderer's defense is being paid for by the American taxpayers) is claiming that her client is mentally retarded and has "other cognitive-comprehension disabilities". Colorado law, and Supreme Court opinion forbid the execution of mentally retarded inviduals.

Let's see now. Mr. Rubi-Nava snuck into America, found a woman friend who lived in a nice suburban subdivision in Colorado, found a job, sent money back to his wife and kids in Mexico, hid himself from apprehension by police, and dreamed up a marvelously inventive, albeit considerably depraved, way to murder his woman friend.
David Harsanyi covers the story today here in the Denver Post.

I wonder if they will find a forensic psychologist who will help the killer get off. I am confident that they will find at least one, if not several who will sell their soul to help this attorney protect her client from getting the justice he deserves.

In the course of doing "best interest of the child" reports for the District Courts in Colorado, I have met such individuals in the psychology profession. They can put up a reasonable argument for any side of any issue, depending upon who is paying them for their testimony. Facts are not what matters. It is the all-knowing psychologist's interpretation of facts that is important! This is a case, however, in my opinion, where there surely could not be a reasonable argument put forward on behalf of this killer.


  1. Bob, Are you using Firefox to compose and edit? It works well for me.

  2. That would be very frustrating, but it's also a story that the left doesn't want the rest of the country to know about.

    Which means it needs to be told.

  3. "her client is mentally retarded and has "other cognitive-comprehension disabilities".

    Well then maybe he won't feel it so bad if the throw the switch on the electric chair.......steve

  4. MizzE,
    Nothing seems to be working. I hope to get things fixed (again) this coming week.

    Shoprat and Steve,
    You both have got it.

  5. I couldn't agree more with Shoprat and Steve! You guys hit the nail on the head!

    Oh, Bob, I left you a blogger award over on my site! Enjoy :-)
