Thursday, July 26, 2007

Roar, Zoom! Shock and Awe!

One of the really cool things about our new country living is that we are near Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora and also not too far from the U.S. Air Force Academy. Fighter jets roar across the sky throughout the day. We are also near Denver International Airport's south runways, so we get those jets taking off and arriving. But it is the military jets that I particularly enjoy. Go get em, guys and gals!


  1. That's pretty cool, Bob. Funny, though - most people I know of gripe and moan about air traffic near them. I live near a small airport with a USAF flight museum, and we often are fortunate enough to see the old bombers flying over our neighborhood, along with Apache helicopters (their factory is near here, too). I love 'em - if nothing else, they are a reminder of what people can accomplish with determination and freedom.

  2. We live very near a training facility for fighters, and commercial runways... and 15 miles from an international airport. Usually we like it. The boys love seeing the fighters, the only frustration comes from the low fly overs at naptime. Other than that it is a lot of fun!

  3. Julie,
    You are so right. That is exactly what they are, plus a show of strength.

    If they momentarily wake up from their nap, just remind them that the people flying those jets are there to protect them from very real monsters: the jihadists!

  4. I teach near the home base for the Blue students know the sound of jets is the sound of freedom. Amen! (Although we can't say 'amen' in class!)

  5. I was stationed in NTC San Diego, it seemed like the jets leaving the air port were only a few feet when they passed over us and I did enjoy watching them.

  6. Mrs. Who,
    Who says you cannot say Amen? My six-year-old was reading your comment over my shoulder, and he just could not understand why anyone would object to you saying amen!

    Thank you for your service to our country.
