Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Story Of Child Abuse By An Illegal Immigrant From Mexico

Here is a new foster care story. Our neighbors across the street in Golden had two teen daughters. I have previously referred to the family affectionately as the redneck family in our block. Each of the teens repeatedly got pregnant and had babies. Between the two of them, there were six babies by the time the family left due to foreclosure. Both s got involved with illegal immigrants from Mexico. The last one broke bones in the teen's infant daughter's legs and ribs, and fractured her skull. These incidents happened over several months of time. The grandma called me today to proudly announce that she has been awarded temporary custody, while the daughter undergoes a series of classes and tests. The sonofabitch who did this to the little has been deported back to Mexico. I wonder how long it will be before he is back in the United States.

1 comment:

  1. immigration is really a tough topic. not many of us would be here, living in this great country, were it not for immigration. but our ancestors did so legally. all those people who spent thousands of dollars to become citizens are doing the right thing to live here but shouldnt have to spend so much to be free.

    illegals, ones that dont have visas or green cards, are doing nothing to contribute to society, but are quickly having more money spent on them than the people who actually live here (and dont get me started on the christian childrens fund! (nother thing entirely, but still)). i live in a state on the border, and the border patrols and national guard patrolling said border has just been cut in half, letting in more child abusers, drug sellers, rapists, murderers, and thieves.

    arizona has become an interesting state because of illegal immigrants. the official language is english. they dont teach ESL past grade school anymore (and you can imagine the drop-out rate from that little trist), companies are fined $500+ per infraction for hiring illegals. is this going to make things better here? not bloody likely. its the old adage "make soemthing legal and people wont do it anymore, make something illegal and more people will do it". doesnt matter if its drugs, jobs, education, children, abuse, crime, whatever. the more we outlaw it, the worse it will get. if we dont outlaw it, the worse it will get.
