Wednesday, June 27, 2007

An Irony in the Debate Over Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

It seems to me that there is an irony in the debate over the amnesty proposals for illegal immigrants. Most people who are legally trying to come to America are doing so precisely because we are a country in which the rule of law prevails, and they are coming from countries where that is not the case! The irony is that now these people who are patiently awaiting their opportunity in America are watching, on the one hand, a political party that is blatantly looking for new votes, and on the other hand a political party that has a sizable number of senators who are doing the bidding of big corporations who want cheap labor, and too few of these legislators seem to be concerned about the importance of the rule of law or the sovereignty of our nation!

Listening to these politicians dance around in interviews is amazing. I just heard Sean Hannity interview the pitiful Senator Voinovich from Ohio. Ohioans, you can do much better!

1 comment:

  1. You really hit the bull's eye on this subject too. Talk about snappin' - Bush has lost me with his position on this issue.
