Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good Guys and Bad Guys

Who are the Senators who deserve special praise for their work in opposing the amnesty bill? Senator John Cornyn, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Jim Inhofe, Senator Jeff Sessions, Senator David Vitter, and Senator John Thune. Who are the Republicans who showed that they really had more in common with Democrats? Bennett, Craig, Graham, Gregg, Hagel, Kyl, Lott, Lugar, Martinez, McCain, Snowe, and Specter.


  1. Jeff Sessions is one of the senators from my state of Alabama. Richard Shelby, the other senator, was also against the 'amnesty' bill.

    Time to go play Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Sweet Home Alabama'!

    -Mrs. Who

  2. Looks like 08 will be very interesting.
