Monday, June 11, 2007


Heather McDonald writes in City Journal about George Bush's Hispanic Delusion. There is just no evidence that a majority of Hispanics will embrace the Republican Party. In fact, the evidence is to the contrary. Did you know that third generation Mexican-American households have the highest welfare dependency? Thirty-one percent!


  1. Bob, I agree with you....what in heaven's name is Bush thinking? Hispanics are not going to like conservatives/Republicans better for this stand. Quite to the contrary.

  2. I thought it was higher than thiry-one percent. It will be if this darned immigration bill gets passed!

    It is possible that many honest Hispanic American citizens who came here legally and have made good lives for themselves would vote Democrat, but we know that the ones on all the handout programs won't. The good news is that the majority of the ones on welfare that I know, and living in Texas I know a bunch, don't vote at all. Maybe that's what Bush is counting on. There are long time Hispanic Citizens in this country who don't like the fact that people are coming in illegally and being accepted without having gone through all the red tape they did. We just aren't hearing from them. They are sort of like the so-called Moderate Muslims. Who knows that they even exist when they don't speak out?

    So... maybe Bush has a point, but whether they vote Democrat or Republican, they don't belong here in the first place. Eisenhower deported three million illegals and if he could do that so long ago, I believe that saying it's impossible to deport 12 million (and I'll bet the number is higher than that) is bull!
