Have you noticed the tactics being used to try to shut up people who are opposed to the Bush/Kennedy amnesty plan? Rather than use facts, proponents like John McCain angrily shout "fuck you" to Senators like John Cronin of Texas who raise questions about the bill. Others strongly imply that Americans who decry illegal immigration are racists or "nativists." The key word here, Mr. President, is illegal. These immigrants are starting their careers in the United States by coming here illegally. Your bill gives them the legal right to stay here, in other words, amnesty!
Here are some facts. Family values? Fifty percent of Hispanic babies are born out of wedlock. Forty-seven percent of Hispanics drop out of school and do not finish high school. Here in Denver fewer than one in five Hispanic boys who were in in eighth grade in 2001 graduated from high school five years later. Hispanic youth in urban areas are often involved in gang activity. Hispanics have the highest teen fertility rates in the nation. Our nation's urban general hospitals are overwhelmed with Hispanics using emergency rooms whenever they are sick, and dominating labor and delivery rooms. Child welfare programs are dealing mostly with abused and neglected Hispanic children. Who pays the hospital and child welfare bills? The American taxpayers.
Enforce the laws, Mr. President. Protect the sovereignty of the United States. Respect those of us who do believe in the rule of law. Remember us, Mr. President? We are the ones who elected you...twice! Were we racists and nativists then?
Quick drive-by to say I'm reading all of your worthy of my attention posts in between packing