Friday, April 06, 2007


The court appoints a lawyer (Guardian ad Litem) to make recommendations as to what might be in Linebacker Dude's "best interests." She comes to see him at our house today. She is showing him a picture book of animals. He is able to say "orsey" for horsey, but when it comes to the lion, he says something unintelligible. She immediately develops a theory that his birthmother (who is Caucasion) must have taught him Swahili (Get it? A lion, Africa, Swahili)!

We, however, think that his inability to talk might be related to being born to a drug-using prostitute who left him in day care "where I knew he would be safe," when she knew she was going to "use." The combination of being born with drugs in his system, growing up neglected and abandoned, seems to us a more likely explanation than Swahili.

The mom supposedly got out of prison yesterday, so we will soon meet the Swahili teacher. Here's the ideology of those who run the child welfare system: birthmothers good; birthfathers, treatment centers, prisons, foster parents bad. Children are all angels. We must just understand them, and let them direct us! Birthmothers must just be given a chance. Even though they have years of history of abandoning and neglecting children, we must just believe them when they say that they "love" their children. We must provide them with taxpayer-funded drug treatment, housing, subsidized transportation and welfare.

Coming up with theories is easy. It is the perfect job for a lazy person. Parenting takes work. Living with at least one other person takes work. Staying in some degree of good physical shape takes work. Looking problems straight in the eye takes work. If you want to turn your head and avoid seeing truth, you can.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    What planet is she from, anyway?
    That's so maddening and frustrating.

  2. I hate the system!!! Giving birth doesn't necessarily make you a parent. That kid needs you and your family, not the 'Swahili mom'.

    -Mrs. Who
