Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Long, Quiet Nap!

It has been an especially busy day at our house. We have made a bid on a house with a horse barn and some land, and we will hear tomorrow as to whether or not our bid has been accepted. So, we are busy getting our present house ready to rent. Time passed quickly, and finally Colleen asked if our two-year-old foster son had gotten up from his nap yet. We looked at our clock and realized he had been napping for four hours! So we went up to his room. All was quiet. We opened the door, and there he was, practicing his new skill: quietly spreading his feces all over the carpet, walls, and his toys. That will be the last room we show to prospective renters! And it will be the last time we forget to check on him when he is taking an unusually long nap!


  1. Oh no! I don't feel so bad now about the time our son spread sunscreen all over the place during an unusually long and quiet nap time...

  2. can't wait for them to settle down and be quiet...and then when they're quiet, you can't settle down.

    Good luck on the new house! I know y'all will have all sorts of animals in that barn in no time.

    -Mrs. Who
