Thursday, February 08, 2007

Are We Fighting "Insurgents" or Al Qaeda in Iraq?

Nibras Kazimi writes today in the New York Sun that "the Sunni insurgency is being whittled down to Al Qaeda's activity in Iraq. It's that simple."

Then why is the press not telling us about that? Because they realize that Americans would respond far differently if we knew we were fighting Al Qaeda than "insurgents." Al Qaeda refers to itself in Iraq as The Islamic State of Iraq. They do not use the name Al Qaeda. Their leader is Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. Read the whole article here. Via Instapundit

Update: Dr. Rusty Shackleford has more at the Jawa Report. He points out that six Al Qaeda leaders and dozens of Al Qaeda members have been killed in the last 48 hours in Iraq. One of those captured is a key aide to Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who Dr. Shackleford asserts is the real leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, replacing Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Remember, though, read about it here, because the print media has the agenda referred to above.

Also via Instapundit

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bob, the Bush administration has never done a good job selling the war in my opinion. I think part of the president's not caring about how he is perceived has made it tough for his policies.

    Also, the folks at Strategy Page have really good insights into the whole mess. If you have not, check them out.

