Monday, January 15, 2007

Let's Not Jump On This Guy's Bandwagon Too Fast!

Mitt Romney sounds very different today than when he was trying to out-liberal Ted Kennedy in their U.S.Senate race twelve years ago. He is definitely a fast talker. What do you think?


  1. Bob - Don't think that expecting or demanding ideological purity from conservative candidates will win us any elections. I see many things about Romney that appeal to me as a conservative. Last issue of "The American" had a very good piece about him which detailed his background in the business world and his leadership role in the SLC olympics. Good read and worth your time.

    (The American replaced The American Enterprise after Karl Zinsmeister left.)

    As for the clip, I have to admit to being pro choice at one point but changed my mind/beliefs about 3 seconds after seeing my unborn oldest son via ultrasound. So I am willing to believe someone when they say thay had a change of mind/heart. And even if he was playing politics at the time, that is how the game is played. There is an old saying, "action is character", and I am more interested in his performance as governor than I am with his remarks made during a debate with the Swimmer.

    Dave in Aurora

    Nice blog. I'll check back.

  2. Dave, thanks for the comment. I think ultrasound must surely have that effect on numerous couples.
