Saturday, August 19, 2006

We Could Do A Better Job, "If We Felt Like It!"

Ace of Spades has a post today that I think is right on target: "I know the media, which loves to voice its not-so-secret belief that they are smarter than everyone in the world and could do everyone else's job better, if they felt like it, is going to play the "Mary Lacy is a dumb duped dummy" meme constantly if this goes south, but they really ought to get over themselves, and stop pandering to an audience that also needs a "villain" or at least an incompetent somewhere in the "story."

Right now the people who are being blasted in the media are the people who dug the deepest and worked the hardest to find the truth in the murder of Jon Benet. I am reminded of the Rathergate incident, in which CBS for weeks attacked those who had found the truth in the obviously forged documents concerning President Bush's National Guard service. Those bloggers were attacked unmercifully by CBS, who later quietly got rid of Rather and his producer when the truth became widely known.

Currently the villain is Peter Boyles, who doggedly sought the truth in the Jon Benet Ramsey murder case. Doggedly? Now I know the derivation of that word! Peter reminds me of my two male dogs who refuse to let go when in a fight. Peter was attacked by Vincent Carroll, the editor of the Rocky Mountain News yesterday, but then when Peter had him on his radio talk show the Rocky editor could only say, "I don't know this case as well as you!" Then give the man some respect! I know of no one in the media who knows this case better than Peter Boyles. But the media elites always believe they could do a better job if they were as "obsessed" as Peter. By using the word "obsessed," the Rocky editor cleverly put down Peter, and for what? For taking the time and energy to dig deep and do the hard work to try to ascertain the truth in the story.

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