Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Update: One apology

Craig Silverman, a local attorney and radio talk show host, said he was one who had been on local radio hundreds of times and national televison hundreds of times analyzing the Ramsey case. Mr. Silverman apologized twice on air this afternoon for anything he might have said that led to the huge local and national suspicion that the Ramseys killed Jon Benet. He said that if Mr. Karr is indeed the killer of Jon Benet, then Patsy and John Ramsey are the victims of the most unfair avalanche of suspicion in American history.

Peter Boyles, a nominee for a coveted Marconi national award for excellence in radio broadcasting, did not apologize. In fact, he chastised and angrily confronted Silverman. I was one who was glued to Mr. Boyles' coverage of the Ramsey case in the nineties. He filled the airwaves with his contempt of both John and Patsy Ramsey, just like he now fills the airwaves with his barely containable contempt for George W. Bush. Later in the afternoon Boyles called Silverman back and was calmer. In response to a question from either Silverman or his radio partner Dan Caplis, Boyles said that if the man's DNA is found on Jon Benet, he would accept that the man's confession is valid.

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