Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More Clarification on Reagan Versus Bush

Fred Barnes has an editorial in today's Opinion Journal (I am sorry, I was unable to link to it) on how President Reagan's record is being distorted by those who want to make President Bush look bad. Unfortunately, some Republicans are falling for the distortions, as I have mentioned in an earlier post.

Reagan's greatest accomplishment was standing up to the Communists. His feelings about Communists were deeply personal. His dislike for them stemmed from the days in which he was President of the Screen Actors Guild. Communists were feverishly trying to infiltrate Hollywood. He experienced their evil first hand. He knew what they were about. Standing up to the Commies was just being true to his own experience.

Maybe that is why so many of us are able to stand up to today's "liberals." We have experienced first hand how they operate, how they distort the views of people who disagree with them, how they personally attack when they cannot persuade on the merits of the argument, how vicious they can be when they have power, and, most importantly, how the programs they advocate have been dismal failures. Mona Charen has written a great book detailing the importance of that last point. It is called "Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim To Help (And The Rest Of Us!)"

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