Thursday, January 23, 2020

"Watergate was amateur hour. Obama's Spygate is Big Brother done by professionals."

In his blog, Don Surber writes in part,
What we really need is for Congress to take a sober and unflinching review of Obama's Spygate, in which an American president used the FBI to spy on a political opponent. To get that power, the FBI lied 17 times to a federal judge. Not only that, but the FBI tried to entrap Donald John Trump's son and his son-in-law at Trump Tower in June 2016. Not only that but when Devin Nunes later informed the judge the FBI lied, she ignored it.

This is the constitutional crisis we need to address because if we fail to put in place strict penalties for using the FBI to spy, the next Democrat president will do even worse.

To be sure, John Durham is investigating but he's a Department of Justice lifer. He was supposed to start indicting in June. I am tired of waiting. I give up on him. He is the bus that will never arrive. I may as well start walking.

Watergate was amateur hour. Obama's Spygate is Big Brother done by professionals. I would like to say that they almost got away with it, but because there has been no public outcry, I must tell the truth.

They got away with it.

But I am cheered when I realize that the one constant in my life is that Good eventually triumphs over Evil. When things are at their darkest, that is when the sun begins to rise. Perhaps in a second term, enough of the guilty will be punished to protect our republic from a repeat of this treachery.
Read more here.

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