Saturday, January 25, 2020


Lia Eustachewich reports in the New York Post,
The Chinese market at the center of the deadly coronavirus outbreak sold live animals — including wolf pups, foxes, rats and peacocks — to eat, according to a new report.

The wild animals were among 112 items that were peddled at the Huanan Seafood Market in the central city of Wuhan, Agence France-Press reported.

Other wildlife sold at the market, which has since been shuttered, included crocodiles, giant salamanders, snakes, porcupines and camel meat.

“Freshly slaughtered, frozen and delivered to your door,” said the price list for the vendor, “Wild Game Animal Husbandry for the Masses.”

The disturbing list circulated widely on China’s internet but could not be independently verified by AFP.

Chinese health officials believe the mysterious virus — which has so far killed at least 17 people and sickened hundreds more — originated from “wild animals at the seafood market.”

It has since been confirmed to spread via human-to-human contact, as fears mount that it could become a global pandemic.

The coronavirus, which causes flu-like symptoms, has spread to four other countries, including the US, where a case was detected in Washington state.

Previous deadly epidemics, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), have been linked to Chinese consumption of civet meat.

Exotic species like the cat-like civets, rats and bats are considered a delicacy in China and other Asian countries.

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