Monday, January 27, 2020

Ace and his commenters weigh in on Chris Wallace

Ace of Spades writes in his blog,
Unhinged Liberal Chris Wallace Has Meltdown On-Air, Attacking Katie Pavlich and "Trump Defenders"
People really need to boycott this piece of shit fake "conservative" network. I think everyone's tired of this MSNBC-on-Fox bullshit.

Why does anyone watch Chris Wallace's show? Why do conservatives agree to appear as "guests"?

It sounds to me like Chris Wallace completely misunderstood what Katie Pavlich was saying, or, as the Trump Deranged tend to do, ignored what she was saying and pretended she was saying something else for which he had all the Democrat Talking Points ready to go.

From the comments: Lizzy writes,
"Get your facts straight!" is really, "You didn't get it straight from the leaker, missy, so just pipe down and let people 'in the know' handle this!"

Guy Smiley writes,
It's almost as if Pissy-Chrissy is emotionally invested in this.

From the way he very rudely snapped at a colleague in public like that, I'd have to say so.

On the plus side, his unhinged anger tells me we're winning

Cat Ass Trophy writes,
I said "Get your facts straight" therefore my facts are straight. No need to check. I mean, why would I tell someone else to get their facts straight if I didn't have MY facts straight.

GnuBreed wrote,
Ken Starr's defense of Trump was, in a word, masterful. His overview of impeachment history was most impressive.

As to Mitt Romney, I want my
2012 ballot back, so I can give it to a dog to piss on.

torabora wrote,
Some Patriot needs to put Romney in a dog crate on top of a Buick station wagon and take him cross country to see America.

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