Saturday, December 28, 2019

Whose job is it to put Humpty-Dumpty together again?

In the Epoch Times, Roger L. Simon writes,
Reading the inspector general’s report and the many intimations of what is going on with John Durham’s investigation, it is clear that Trump was ganged up upon in an unprecedented, and quite likely illegal, way even before he was nominated, let alone elected.

He also writes about Trump's
opposition in the Democratic Party, the FBI, the CIA, and the media—not necessarily in that order but all working in tandem. (Entertainment and the academy helped too.)

Yet, Simon makes the case that
The unfortunate result of this, despite its being inherently unfair, is that Trump alone can and must lead the way in curing this condition. No one else is in a position to do it and he cannot expect his enemies to help him if past performance is any indication.

...But he should keep Humpty-Dumpty always at the forefront of his mind. The nursery rhyme character has clearly fallen from the wall. The president’s biggest job in his second term is to put him together again. If he can do that to a reasonable extent—even making a dent won’t be easy—America could be greater than it ever was.
Read more here.

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